Recent research projects
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ECG Excellence technologies are rooted in science. We are actively involved in a range of reseach projects in Europe. We thank our partners and our grantgivers for providing us with the opportunities to move further in knowledge and building solutions to support patients and professionals
Our current list of research projects includes:
1) The CineECGPLus project.
In this EUROSTARS funded project we collaborate with University Medical Center Utrecht, IRCCS Policlinico San Donato Milanese and Epiqure GmbH
This project aims to increase the diagnostic potential of our CIneECG technology and to enlarge the use of AI and Machinelearning in the diagnostic analysis.
CIneECGPLus has been finished early 2024. We expect to publish results shortly.

In this project, supported by the Dutch Heart Foundation, we collaborate with University Medical Centre Utrecht and Radboud UMC on increasing the diagnostic potential of our technologies in the repolarization phase of the heart activation and recovery process. THe ultimate goal of the project is to find earlier and better detection of high risk ARVC patients. In this project we combine our iECG methodoloties and our vision guided ECG electrode positioning support technology

In this project, supported by Health Holland, we collaborate with University Medical Center Utrecht in applying CineECG as a diagnostic cardiac tool in the frist line: Emergency room setting, Ambulances and Generial Practitioners. Within this project we will compare CineECG output and added value with the current way of working. As a result we target to deliver both clincial and economic added value data and a tested training program to introduce medical professionals to CineECG and the learn on the complementary added value